To whom does the church belong? What is church even for? These are the bigger questions underlying the caution voiced by progressive Episcopal organizations as the 20/20 movement gathers steam leading to General Convention 2003. Church growth—doubling the average attendance in the Episcopal Church by 2020—for its own sake cannot be enough if the first questions are not answered. So I am delighted that the Urban Caucus will be focusing on 20/20 and questions related to mission at its national assembly early next year.
The first thing to know about 20/20 is that it is a movement in evolution. Whatever impressions formed two years ago may not be on target today as the circle of people participating has widened.
What is 20/20 today? It is the reorientation and re-engagement of the Episcopal Church on all levels for mission in the 21st century. Our prayer book says the mission of the church is “to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.” Another way to say that is that we the church are called to transform the world to the Reign of God, the beloved community—knowing of course, that we are not messiahs but workers, “profetas de un futuro que no es nuestro,” as Oscar Romero tells us.
What 20/20 asks of every congregation and institution in the church is—how, in this time, in this multicultural, multifaith and diverse world, can we proclaim the Gospel of Christ Jesus that has set our own hearts on fire? How can we enact Christ’s beloved community in our neighborhoods and cities and throughout our terribly broken and warring planet?
There is no single answer to these questions. But we are convinced that evangelism and social concern must be matched together; they are two sides of the same coin of outward-focused mission. So, to name a tiny example, we are proposing that any national matching funds raised for new churches must support infrastructure or programs that can serve the wider community in some way as well as the new congregation.
Another conviction is the sense that we should each be prepared to share our own faith story and how it connects with how we live our lives, as a key part of discipleship.
Another common conviction in 20/20, shared across political lines, is that all congregations and institutions will need to address the following major shifts of the 21st century:
This is a summary. The full text of Sarah Lawton’s thoughtful article is available online at
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